Registrations closed

At the moment, unfortunately, there are no classes open to the public for this training. If you are interested, send a message by filling out the form below. Don’t forget to include in the message the name of the training you are interested in. We will contact you as soon as new classes open.

“One of the best training courses I have ever attended. The instructor has total control of the training agenda and excellent teaching skills”
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Adriano Saviolli

Adriano Saviolli


“I am used to being very critical and it’s been some time since I don’t evaluate a training course with high scores in all aspects. Congratulations on the training!”
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Vitor de Paula

Vitor de Paula

LG Electronics

“Unique training and no doubt much more valuable than many university degrees we have today on the subject”
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Lucas Tadeu Portela

Lucas Tadeu Portela

AOC International

“The Embedded Labworks training fully met all objectives, as well as being motivating for us to continue learning embedded Linux. I recommend it!
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José Antonio de Sousa Fernandes

José Antonio de Sousa Fernandes


“High-quality training, very helpful and with a highly structured agenda”
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Luis Gustavo

Luis Gustavo


“An excellent professional applying a very good practical training session with a rich study material. Thanks!”
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Paulo Morgado

Paulo Morgado


Our location

Rua Braulio Gomes, 25 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil - 01047-020

Phone Number

+55 11 91429-1331

Email Address